Click here to purchase Joel’s book, “The Story”.
The purpose of “The Story” series and book is to give a broad summary of The Bible with the main point in mind - Jesus!
Scripture is, first and foremost, a story. But it’s not just any story. It’s the greatest and most powerful story that has ever been told in all of human history! Therefore, to understand any part of Scripture is to understand where that part fits within the whole story - which consists of four primary “movements:”
Creation: The Bible tells us where we come from, and what God intended the world to be like from the very beginning.
Fall: The Bible tells us what went wrong, and why the world is in the mess that it is.
Redemption: The Bible tells us what God is doing to redeem us from what the fall has done to us.
Restoration: The Bible tells us how God is working to restore everything back to where it was before everything went wrong.