Covenant Recovery Circles (CRC) are Support Groups for men and women 18+
who are struggling with an addiction, dependency, or mental health issues. We also support those who are close to someone who struggles with various issues. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Substance abuse | Family disfunction | Victim of abuse | Depression | Food disorder | Codependence | Pornography | Anger | Gambling | Unforgiveness | Anxiety | Compulsions | Depression | Alcohol | …and more
Contact: Isaac Patterson – men’s leader
Kimberly Cook – women’s leader
Typical Schedule:
Large group
Leader welcome/prayer
Recite 12 steps
Groups separate for Small support groups
Share time
Life Recovery
12 step discussion
Recite The Lord’s prayer
Our groups use the Life Recovery Workbook as a transformation tool. We experience transformation together as we share our problems, support and encourage each other. In time, we hope each member will feel free to open up. Sharing our struggles can become a blessing to someone else in the group. Ephesians 4:32, 5:1-10
The 12 steps and scripture are a path for us to learn to walk in God’s will, according to His way. The goal of CRC is transformation, peace and wholeness for each member as we learn to share together and walk humbly with God. Micah 6:8