WHO’S YOUR MASTER? - PT 2: It's All His! | Pastor Joel Rainey | Covenant Church
Money is a powerful tool, but a horrible god. But if your master is Jesus, then your money’s master is… YOU! Today Pastor Joel Rainey continues his message series on money.
90 Day Challenge:
A change in disposition - “I am saving, investing, and spending resources that are not mine?” Those resources belong to God.
On that basis, arrange a plan that allows you to live on 90% of what you bring in, and give 10% away. Because God wants us to be generous.
Develop as a disciple pursuing resources - this is the focus in today’s message.
Sign up for Financial Peace University
Scripture References:
Mark 10, verses 17-31
Luke 9 & 10; Mark 5 & 8, verses 36-37; Leviticus 19, verse 13; James 5, verses 1-6
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